Bride’s Attendant Apparel!

May 11, 2009 at 3:02 pm (Uncategorized)

I can’t call y’all bridesmaids because we have a brides…dude, the Great and Powerful Jeremy Holliday. SO you are my “Attendants”.  I’m trying to be proper, here.  Anyway.

Here’s what the groomsmen will look like, with wine colored ties with vests


But the Bridesmaids won’t look like that BECAUSE they will have aubergine dresses on, of whatever style they like.

Ladies, just try to match your dress to approximately this color:


And Jeremy, you’ll wear what the groomsmen wear, but with THE purple tie and I think you know what I’m talking about.  I’ll let you know where you can buy the vest soon, but other than that just wear khaki slacks and an ivory/off-white button up shirt.

Ladies, the only specifications that I have for your dresses are

1. It needs to be comfortable!  Any length you want, but for summer, you probably want tea lenth/shorter.

2. It needs to be close to my favorite purple

3.  It needs to have a somewhat simple waistline because to tie them all together, Mom and I are sewing lace sashes to go around the small part of the dress’s waist.  The lace will be something like this:


Let me know what you think, loves. I want you to look snazzy!

Also, here are some website suggestions for dresses:

Please comment with other sites if you know of any!

Don’t forget to try department stores and consignment shops.

Ok, all for now! LOVE!

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